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The way to my heart - chocolate!

Monday 23rd November 2020

Got to the cottage today and rushed out to top up the bird feeder. I am worried about what will happen when I am away for 4 weeks over Christmas.! Also heard today that Lake 32 will be able to open up next Wednesday - their booking system isnt open yet - will book as soon as I can. I am thinking of taking the wetsuit back home over the holiday and seeing if I can find anywhere near Wokingham to swim. over Christmas. As a bonus I found this bar of chocolate in the cupboard - anyone that knows me knows this is a miracle (I eat all chocolate immediately) and I was so happy!! and ate it straight way.

I submitted my interim personal development program today. I walked into Cirencester and reflected on whether I will be able to get a job after this. My CV looks really strange and by the time I qualify I will be nearly 60 - will I get employment? In a way I dont mind - I will have a lot of valuable knowledge for volunteering and I have discovered there are so many volunteer groups around that need help. I love learning so many new things - some which I can use every day - some like statistics not so much!!



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