Southover Gardens
Sunday 9th June 2024
Lots of gardens in the Southover area of Lewes are open today (in aid of Southover Bonfire Society of course!). We bought our tickets and went along. Southover is one of the oldest parts of Lewes so it consists of twittens, flint houses and some big old houses on the main high street. It was a revelation - what must have happened over time was that the really big houses carved out their gardens and houses were built - but the size of these plots is enormous - there are the most wonderful houses (looks about 1960s/1970s) with enormous gardens that are amazing - hidden behind flint walls, you would never guess they were there! Not all were like that , some were lovely small victorian houses still with amazing gardens. We had a wonderful time and didnt manage to see them all. We ended up slightly out of town going towards Kingston in a garden owned by one of Robins friends from the Mens Shed - we sat and had a lovely glass of wine and piece of cake with him and his family - what a great day. We will invite Tom next year as he would have really love it. (one of the gardens was owned by someone we knew from the Blois trip - Lewes is quite a small town!)