Fungi - they are everywhere!
Sunday 25th October 2020
Have you been for a walk recently? It seems wherever you walk at the moment there are fungi - lots and lots of them. They are very difficult to identify - or at least I really struggle but this is a shaggy inkcap - so distinctive that even I know what it is! It is common and edible when young - grows to over a foot tall - I think it looks great!
I spent much of this afternoon working on the CV information for RiseSmart. Its really difficult - in a way I am totally overqualified and in another have no qualifications at all! How do I put together a CV that will highlight the relevant skills from over 30 years work but also has no relevant experience for the job I want. I am hoping that RiseSmart will be able to at least give me the structure for a CV that can work in the future. I would like to get it done soon as I need to work on the internship for next year as soon as possible.
I am attending one of the Wildlife Trusts Bat talks tomorrow evening - I think it is the first time they have done it - they are normally bat walks! Will let you know how it goes!
I would say that you have the background and experience to mobilize a team of technical consultants to come up with the next level AI driven image recognition solution for the field and that the current work you are doing is a form of requirements gathering ;)