About me
I am a wife, sister, daughter, mother, grandmother and many other things (but they aren’t as important). I live in Wokingham in a lovely house in the centre of the town with my husband Robin and Freya and Loki - the cats. Charlotte - daughter, Elliott - son-in-law, Tom - son, Laura – daughter in law, Chris - son, Libby – granddaughter, Pat – mum, Dorothy – aunt, Anne – sister – all live not too far away.
A few years ago I left the IT industry where I had worked for 37 years and started a Wildlife Conservation Foundation degree in Cirencester at the Royal Agricultural University. It has changed my life - for the better. Now I live part time in a lovely cottage on the edge of Cirencester, I work part time for the Cotswolds National Landscape and have just completed my Foundation Degree. I have tried to prioritise friends and family better, I have not succeeded as much as I would have liked, but I have learnt a huge amount about the natural world and what we can do to protect it. I still feel at a cross roads, should I get a full time job, should I work part-time, what shall I do next - I guess you never stop feeling like that - there is no absolute answer.
In the mean time I am about to set off on my next challenge, six weeks walking the Camino Way with Robin. Its 800km and will be difficult. I will continue to post about my journey through life after the corporate world.
I hope you enjoy it!!